“Your repair shop is my last resort. I’ve tried everything. Phone calls, emails, texts, prayer…”
Oh my darlin’
My heart is sitting on the hammock beside yours. We are willing our legs to flex and make this little canvas bed swing, but no. Our hearts are aching, and there is little energy for anything else right now.
I feel your pain beyond the scope of lending you a FROM LEMON ear. Your sadness about Miranda matches what I think about Annie. She’s been my BFF since almost forever.
Annie still is that special one, even though my phone calls, emails, texts and letters are akin to me standing on a mountain top crying out into the canyon below “Annnnnnnn-ie,” and all I hear is…yup, you guessed it. My echo.
If I share this loss in my life with you, I am hoping parts of it will help. Also, I think I have one concrete suggestion. But please allow me a paragraph or two for some context.
The excerpt above from your letter, sweet GHOSTED, makes me think of Carlo. A while ago, I had this cute Italian sports car. He was the only person to make any lasting repairs on the snazzy red vehicle. Then he moved back to Italy. My auto never was the same after that. Carlo had the magic touch.
Well, GHOSTED. In terms of your Miranda and my Annie, I feel my solution-finder has moved away. Mine went to Paris, btw. (Interesting, my heart sank when I wrote that last line. For no reason apparent to me, losing contact with Annie is the worst empty feeling.)
We both need to know the “why” of these situations. How did something so wonderful just stop? Dead in its tracks. This speculation is what preoccupation is made of and will never, for sure, provide the correct answer. Think 20 questions, the game, except the questions are infinite.
You, dearest, GHOSTED, have one advantage unavailable to me. You said Miranda lives close by. My dear Annie is a 3-hour plane ride.
If Annie has camped out “down the road a piece” ( an Uncle of mine was fond of that expression), I would literally plant myself ( face mask included) on her doorstep. Or on her back patio, especially if running water and restroom facilities were handy. See, length of my stay? Infinity.
Yes indeedy. I would not leave until she let me in and discussed what happened.
So what if other friends see me there. Our on-hold friendship is all that matters to me.
Ultimately, if you are tempted to copy this intervention I fantasize about Annie, Miranda WILL talk with you, because well, you aren’t leaving, and whatever happened between you cannot be solved if she calls the police. 🙄
Take snacks, my dear. Persevere. Pride be damned. Even if you don’t get the answer you were hoping for.
Geography is on your side. If I could do the same with Annie, I would go in a heartbeat. In fact, one day, I will hop on a plane. For now, I have already told her in my one-sided communications that she will never be rid of me. I vowed to myself to be as tenacious as glue. Until I see an airline advertise a decent seat sale.
Lemony love muchly, you most amazing girl
Suze Xxoo🍋🍋❤️