You can bet the new abortion restrictions going up in so many states will not stop these guys from obtaining abortions for their “props” ( great word, sadly accurate).
Actually I will bet on one of two outcomes here: 1. abortions are obtained when these bro snap their fingers because…who wants DNA evidence around OR 2. The babies and mothers are held somewhere for future who-wants-to-even-imagine.
Either way, the young women do not matter at all, just the guys.
Then again with what just happened with Roe, the message is that women (period) do not matter.
A guy told me once (he was/is an entitled, narcissistic, wealthy asshole, of course) that there is a secret code bandied about for, hell, probably forever. The words are: “Deny, deny, deny.”
No matter what, he said, this group of guys never break the code.
Thank you for writing this essay.