Whoa!! This article is another excellent one, Gillian. Sorry for all the highlights but I couldn’t help myself.
So much of what you wrote hit a nerve( a good nerve), I could probably write on and on in this comment for hours and hours.
So let me focus on the excerpt above. Yes, this is the best way to go forward. We don’t have to agree on everything…work outside of the home, do not have an outside job, have kids or do not, get married or don’t….there are tons of additional examples of things we don’t have to agree about.
We can select paths that work for our own unique needs as long as we do NOT judge others for not copying our choices. Right? Solidarity. Respecting differences . Respecting choices. Respect. Hell, this could be so easy.
If women did just this one thing for one another just think how many problems would be solved.
We need to lose the“My way or the highway”.
And while I am at it…QUICK NOTE: this is not blanket to all, because all do not do this…just some:
Another thing to do to promote solidarity with women…do not or better still stop…disrespecting other women’s choices because you think some group of boys might like you better…
Hmmm. You have inspired a future post.😀