“They opened their home to a young boy whose parents were also undocumented immigrants and had worked in the very same fields as the man who had murdered their daughter. That’s not just a lovely example of forgiveness, it’s a profoundly virtuous and impressive act. There must be so much pain in their heart, so much anger. Yet they rose above it. They spoke out against those who tried to turn their pain into profit and to polarization,”
Ryan, the words above brought tears to my eyes. I was overcome, instantly. I read about this earlier, but then to see it here again; just wow. I am moved. Tremendously.
Ryan Holiday. If you have not already, please meet Linda Caroll
She recently wrote another of her terrific articles. This one with anger as the theme. You can find it on Medium, link below.
The minds that you both have. The integrity of your writing. Your mutual ability to touch your readers. I do hope that already you both know one another.