Thank you, thank you for being so generous and sharing this important and helpful information.
I want to ask though, are you also a mind reader? I discovered from your earlier essays about your reselling business. I wished more than once that you would write about it in detail and exactly in the way you did here.
Just wow. So appreciated.
I already have a huge inventory of my own items from a long term former career and entire life around it. The items range from very high end, to lots in the medium to medium-high end. Most of it not very”businessy” looking. All in top shape. Lots of popular labels.
So I have that covered. But.
Taking the plunge. Where to start. Do I really want to invest the time? What happens to the other stuff I do once I commit time to this venture. Priority setting. A struggle in my head, for sure. Your piece really, really helps as I try and get to hitting the start button. If I get there.
The part about photos addresses another thing top on my list. So say you never again use any photos from retailers. Would you invest in a mannequin? Ask a friend to model but not include( Or yes, include) her face? I keep wondering if only showing various angles of clothes on hangers will be sufficient.
Felicia, I know I sound like a broken record, but heaps of thanks again.
I have so much respect for your writing, your business accomplishments and now what you have done as a reseller.