Thank you so much for this, Bridget. Absolutely correct! A movie a night has been a pandemic pastime for me as well as for most. I am so sick of seeing women wearing stilettos constantly. Hiking rough trails in adventure films, bank robberies, racing to catch transportation…you name it. What a message to send.
Oh. And don’t get me started…also the one where women are never hungry and they don’t eat. How many movies or series have I watched where at restaurants he eats the full bore steak dinner with all the trimmings where she barely nibbles a salad.
True story. I briefly knew a guy who actually stated that women’s bodies were biologically constructed so that food held little interest which explained why so many women had bodies that mimicked young teenage boys. Um yeah, thus guy was a total dick.
Your article did cause me to think of a funny bra story. If I write it I will credit your article as inspiration.