Hello Tesia. Thank you. Your article is one of the best I’ve read addressing this age old topic. And re: that topic? One word. Groan. (Also rolling my eyes)
Oh. I have to digress for one sec. Clearly a man designed auto correct in this comment section or on my iPad( who cares which, so no mansplain needed). When I typed in your first name, presto, it was changed to Tesla. Boys and their cars again.
What I want to say is: someone must have long ago written a short manual about how a woman should handle listening skills at that first date. It is probably on YouTube, but I have not checked.
We can all describe it, even though we cannot locate the exact source: Hands cupped under chin, lean forward towards him across the table, be wide eyed but do blink the lashes frequently, nod, smile, nod, smile, sometimes showing teeth, sometimes not, oooh and ahhh when appropriate, ask the sexy-coy-toned tell me more questions…
Good grief. No wonder the divorce rate is so high and the unhappy spouse statistic is huge. That behaviour and the others that accompany it cannot be maintained. Maybe mostly because it’s a frickin’ lie…
The good news. This IS changing. Women are refusing to buy into this pretence. We are demanding that men come to the table( pardon the pun) with substance. Your article, Tesla😈😁 says this loud and clear.
Thank you again.
P.S. The excerpt I highlighted above. Also agree. Totally. That quote applies to men and women. The key is to not be so superficial that one’s life is defined solely by size of bank account and number of owned shiny toys.