you Mah Dhalin” gal are one funny, entertaining, ranting, kick ass beetchin momma
I know that P.G. Barnett and James Knight and Helen Cassidy Page and Prickly Pam will agree with me. And a host of other Medium and non-Medium peeps.
Ah almost peed my sweatpants reading this. I just wrote “almost” as “amlst” and I have not had any wine yet. No it wasn’t a typo. I was just doing a happy dance.
So across the street from my honey’s house( I call my sweet patootie MSZ for Mr Suz) is this house with the purrrrrr-fect lawn. I call THEM ( man, woman and older kid) the lawn people.
Those people never go inside. They clean and cut and pick up and spray shit with a big hose. They appear to patrol the property line waiting to smoosh any cute little scampering squirrel that might leave tracks on their grass carpet.
They actually don’t look mean, but they might be.
They have not bugged MSZ about his place. And trust me MSZ’s place…(yard/lawn…we are talking about those lawn people)…his is reasonably neat and tidy. I mean its fine, not perfect, but good. So no issues except nobody…NO BODY could possibly have a lawn as flawless as the lawn people.
I wonder if our guys are related to your guys. If yes, yours is definitely the meaner bro.
I would go and ask them but then they might see that as an opening for something that will bug the shit outta me. And I don’t need more of that today.
The weather fookin’ sucks. Cold, damp, spitting rain that is probably hail that just melted. Not sure, I am not going out to find out and that makes me a grumpy guts.
No social distancing power walk for me and the Zee today. Should I rant now about those walkers that look at us blankly when we cross the street to avoid them and any potential exposure to the co-vee? Naw. I will save this diatribe for a RG post.
MSZ is hiding from me right now and its too early for our drinkin’ naked go find me game.
And then..then…I fought with my internet all frickin’ morning. It was on off on off on….But its ok now and I love it again.
I wasn’t gonna rant much at all but sheesh, Sherry baby, this feels great.
Ding! What’s that. Oh. Forgot to mute my desk top. An article about sourdough love in my inbox. %#$@%%!!%^$#@%
Excuse me, I am on purpose going to disconnect my wifi for the rest of the day.
Loves ya gal. XXXXXXXOOOOO