Sherry McGuinn dhahlin’
You do know that you have just, in your sentence above, exposed a dirty little secret of many (would be) users of food processors… For sure it’s a handy dandy little work horse. But yup Sherry-girl, it’s a bitch to clean.
So you look at that fine piece of culinary architecture perched on a pantry shelf. You reach for it. You say: Naw-uh or: No-way or somethin’. And well…that’s it then. The thing sits there looking all shiny and spankin’ brand new despite the fine covering of dust.
When your Momma comes for a visit and says: Honey Chile, you just bought yourself a new machine? You say (red faced): No Ma, that belongs to Gertrude next door. She’s just storing it here for a bit. And then Momma winks atcha and says no more because she too is complicit with this whole damn secret of the pain-in-the-ass food precessor…
( Crikey, is this possibly an inspiration for some Nancy Drew fan fiction? The Secret of the F@%# Food Processor.)
Light bulb idea? Throw the entire soiled mess in the dishwasher? Well sure. But good luck finding room for anything else. And then what, wash all the fine china and sticky pots by hand ? Frickin’ ugh.
Why does that stupid machine need to be constructed of so many pieces anyways? Probably some man designed it as a way to keep the little woman even more krazy-glued to the kitchen.
Hmmm. Maybe I should stop now. Next someone will be inviting me to join some subreddit on conspiracy theories featuring, you know…food processors.