Rosemary. Yes! I think…I know we have reached that point. I particularly like Gillian Sisley points in her recent article I tagged for you, about women needing to support other women even when ( especially when)we all make different choices. Losing that need to be right, that ( sorry, repeat but its a good expression…)“my way or the highway” attitude will go such a long way to getting where we need to get.
Wondering out loud if that is one reachable place that we as individuals could begin? And how to start sometning on this level…some fresh beginning…to catch attention and retention? All food for thought. Open to any ideas!
Your words, Rosemary: Thank you so much for your support for my writing. I have been sitting on a few articles, but you have inspired me to keep going, and continue voicing my thoughts for those who are ready to read them!
Yes. Please go for it. I don’t want to miss and with the Medium home pages as they are currently, I might not see your posts. So please tag me or give another heads up when they are live.
Thrilling that we are all on this same page.