Robin Klammer . It will be my pleasure to send it to you. With all my edits so you don’t end up cursing at it like I did. But first I absolutely need to put this iPad down, stop reading Medium and prepare for a work teleconference. Will be back to you later today.
Question. If I start regularly using “ yummers” ( Ack! Auto correct put in “ hummers”) instead of “ yummo” will this look lame and a feeble copying of The Rachael? Or should I say WTF and use it as I write about cooking/baking anyways? Would love your ideas for alternative expressions if you think “ yummers” won’t cut it.
Re cooking excitement. Just remember what Homer said to Marge when she was heading to jail. It was something like: It isn’t just you that I will miss, Margie, it’s the food preparation…😀
Later, girl.