My amazing, brilliant, kind, totally cool friend. I could actually respond to every paragraph in this excellent article. I am so ga-ga over your brain and all your experiences and wisdom.🥰🥰
You cover all aspects here. From women supporting women, women supporting differences in one another rather than my way or the highway, a goal about girls finally not being taught by society to exist only to compete for the guy (destructive sorts of any competition being problematic), self esteem for females, the challenges males face being permitted by society to be real, the fact that there are good men out there as well as those needing to get their act together, pressures on women growing up and after they get in the adult world, kindness, respect, inclusion, progress, open hearts and minds…and I know I haven’t even begun to list all that you mention.
Nasty woman and now Karen*( for petra’s sake😀) and I am certain a few other choice labels ( crazy bitch is one) are now bandied about like sticky tape. Tear off a piece and cover her mouth so she stays silent like she is supposed to do. Be quiet nasty girl, Karen*, or any name I can use so you will go home and simply make sandwiches.
Well, as you so aptly write my dear Rebecca, we are witnessing the beginning of the end of this oppression. We all need to keep on addressing the issue though, just like you have done here…beautifully.
Until the day we reach the end of the end of the stifling, disrespect, exclusion, domination, minimization, hurt and harm levied toward any person because of gender, skin color, religion, sexual preference, age, country of birth, language, size of wallet etc etc.
*yes, I do understand where the Karen label initially came from. I still don’t like it being used. First and foremost because I want the world to stop calling people names. Often name calling is sport, used as a way to show the pack that one is cool. We need to prove as a society that we are more evolved than that.
PS. Just so you know, totally unrelated. In addition to this super article of yours (another in your super-dooper list)…at the moment my sweetie is cooking bacon. Double smoked. So yup. That is totally reminding me of another farm to table conversation we have had. OMG.Rebecca…that convo is about um….sandwiches!🙀🤪😍