Really good piece, Kat. I am with ya. And highlighted part above, excellent two item plan. I hope you get what makes you happy. That is the way it should be( more below).
Your article made me think specifically what would make me most happy.
Talking only about women right now. For a number of reasons, not relevant to my comment, I choose to address only women.
I want this day to come: When we all feel free to individually select any kind of work (within or outside the home) based on what it is that makes us ( meaning our own self) happy. What we personally want.
No need to justify a choice by arguing that choice A is better than choice B. No need to argue that all women should choose (for example) only choice A.
We celebrate our differences and take joy when anyone, Betty-Sue perhaps, makes a career and life choice that works for her. We bask in the enjoyment of learning and growing from all the diversity around us. Judgement and justification are things of the past. All women simply support all women.
On top of all that it gives power to and belief in doing what is necessary to make any job fit into one’s plan and moving on when it does not.
Yah, yah, I know. Pie in the sky and all. But I do like the sound and visual of it all. I could answer 10,000 what ifs/what abouts.
Have a nice smile on my face right now…happy sigh