Pure brilliance, your essay.
But fear not. Help is on the way. Have you seen reruns on YouTube of Leave it to Beaver, Father Knows Best, the Donna Reid Show…heck there are tons of them, all from the 50’s.
So, some brilliant tech bro, I just heard this rumor of a rumor, is developing an app for women subscribers to use and then do a retinal scan and presto…you get a programmed June Cleaver brain( Beaver’s mother) permanently inside your skull. It causes your present gray matter to absorb the new program like, forever.
Crazy great, huh?
Because June does NOT critically think or do anything other than what Ward(Beaver’s dad) tells her to do. She dresses impeccably even early in the morning and her diet is pretty much lettuce leaves and mustard. ( yum-mers)
If you study her expression in the reruns you see pure…what was that? Robotness? Good word.
Now where do I find how to mark this comment “satire”?
( June would say “Satire, dear? I think you just mispronounced “tire”. Ward, darling, I think this young lady needs help with a tire.”)