OMG girl. Been there. Done that. Wanna see my Tshirt?
As I read from top to bottom, your very VERY interesting and written from your heart article; I nodded my head constantly.
I felt like I was there with you. Wearing your shoes so to speak. I pictured myself letting him drone on and on and on and on. Again nodding my head and smiling( sweetly).
( note: the head nodding helped me to stay awake during his uninvited monologue)
He gets his coffee and starts to leave the line and the shop. He tips his hat to me in a gesture that seemed to say: “ hope I saved your day and your meagre struggling life, lil’ darlin”.
Then I say out loud: “ oh please wait just a second, sir.” I get my coffee and when paying for it fish out my very impressive business card.
I look him in the eye and earnestly say “Please, let me give you my card. The agency I own has helped a number of clients, just like you. I’d be happy to refer you to one of my employees. They are excellent life and career counsellors. Perhaps my organization could give you some guidance for your next chapter.”
I tuck the card in his tiny hand and walk off with a cute little wave of my free hand.
Ahhh. Just imagining this felt terrific. Thank you Vivien Grace