Oh yes. This is a good one. And holy Hannah. I might have missed it, so thank you.
I have a confession. I am a die hard…..shhhhh….this is scary to say….ok, here goes…a diehard and inflexible Tupperware snob. ( I wish Medium had an invisible ink feature or a smaller font, cause hey, I just admitted a secret part of my identity)
I prided myself over many cold winters when I made up this and that excuse for being unable to attend the TW extravaganzas. And yes I missed out on weiners wrapped in pillsbury tea biscuit dough and homemade bits and bites. I was good with that.
But now, after reading your essay, MCLGS, I have major regrets for my short sighted views on TW. I mean, a lube container. That changes everything for me…