Oh Rosie. I could comment almost at the end of every sentence in this excellent article of yours. Thank you for making these important points. A huge step to fixing all this is women supporting other women. Period.
And. Not tricking themselves into believing that IF they dis other women that the boys wil “Like them better” You know, act like one of the boys in a particular misogyny club, demean other women and hey, you are now accepted “In” and part of the boys club. Um, no. Never happens.
The part I highlighted above. During the pandemic my guy and I do a lot of “dinner and a movie”. I am amazed at this consistent message:Lunch at the office, in a restaurant, dinner at a Steakhouse, etc. Obviously all women are vegetarians. Obviously women never eat the steak and fries that the guy eats at a steakhouse. When the orders are taken for lunch at the office, every woman chooses salad and the guys select cheeseburgers. HolyHannah. What a message, huh.
And please note. I am a huge fan of yummy salads. I might not be vegetarian but I support that lifestyle if one chooses it.
But I do not like this message I ( and people in general) get from these current movies. Plus most of these women actors I reference in these movies only play with their food( the ol’ move it around on the plate trick). Cause you know, women don’t eat. Sigh.