Oh great. I am breathing easier already. How lucky are we…51% of humanity to have this guy fixing shit for us. Empowering women. Fu#@ing bullshit.
You know what Linda. By the time I finished reading about these assholes and predators, truly I was ready to barf. I am so sick of this whole mess.
I wish women, ok let me be Pollyanna here, every woman…would just stop buying anything from these stores owned by this what’s-his-face-Epstein- enabler(I could go back to your post and get his name , but that would give him more importance than I wanna give)
My dear friend Suntonu Bhadra recently wrote a beautiful Medium post about Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s book We Should All Be Feminists. Suntonu, I wanted you to see this piece Linda wrote. I know how upset you are about the daily atrocities to women.
Linda and Suntonu, I am regretting my potty mouth above but this is how enraged I am and have been for a long time about the misogyny. On top of this, how effective they are at the gaslighting.
Linda. Thank you for writing this. I wish we could make it go viral.
P.S. Amy Marley. Paroma Sen. I thought you both would want to see Linda’s article.