Oh Gillian. Like all your posts this one again is terrific and you know what else, my Medium friend? You nailed it.
Not only have I observed (in many industries) countless situations like the one you described. In the deep dark sea of blue world where I have worked and lived…O. M. G. It is what you write and worse. Sadly, a lot worse.
Competent, accomplished, qualified women are/were ignored, minimized, harassed, disrespected, belittled, passed over, gaslighted, paid less. The list is only a partial one. Few speak out for many of the reasons you cite( including male ego pandering)but other reasons too. Not much sisterhood either among the few (very few) women present. In this scenario, no safe environment exists for female to female support. Yup…a colossal misogynistic mess.
So step by step, inch by inch we support one another and find big ways and little ways to repair what should never be.
Btw. Gillian Sisley. I am so impressed with how you handled your most recent situation. Rock on girl.