I loved this entire article but especially ESPECIALLY the above highlighted passage. I am writing to you with a huge satisfied smile on my face. You are absolutely correct in what you say.
Also three things immediately come to mind:
- Resting bitch face/resting kitten face. Yet another combo of opposites where women cannot win. Hell, not even. How about just equalize!
- Your definition of “resting bf” is a good one. Yet my spidey sense has wondered about a question I had from the first time I ever heard this expression. Was it created again as another way to hold women down? Example: She stands at the bar when annoying guy moves on her. She didn’t ask for the approach and she is not interested. You are a first class bitch: he says as he slinks away describing her rbf expression to his buddies.
Just askin’ and wonderin’ is all😳😊
3. Once I start posting my own writing on Medium( see my profile: time frame: soon) if I put up my poem called “Creep”, I think you will enjoy it from the kitten face perspective.