Hey Mia. I absolutely love your post. Although I do want to have a chat with Nina. I want her to lighten up and actually become your wing woman on this.
Thanks for the smiles and chuckles during my read. Yet your topic is 100% timely and true. And please, keep on pursuing your idea and pitch! ( see, my name is not Nina😀 … but I think we can convince her that you will happily appreciate 2 wing women!)
Maybe the American series Billions is a step in the right direction? Not for women, I don’t mean. And not economics specifically. But for making finance be tv series-worthy instead of mainly law and police enforcement.
And thank gawd the Wendy character and Axe’s last girlfriend (are) were portrayed as smart, brilliant, capable, dynamic, leader material, hold their own on their own, problem attackers and solvers, take no shit, business winners and much more. The fact that they are smokin’ hot babes with great taste in clothes and huge personalities is also there but not the first or only parts on the list. There is hope for the finance tv future, maybe.
Oh and Taylor. They are an amazing character. Probably my fav in the show. Taylor truly is everything you would want in a show like that and they continue to demonstrate those qualities, episode after episode.
So maybe. gradually, we are heading in the right direction? I am not certain though.
Maybe when the day comes that women no longer think to even defend this old stereotype: Look, I know I look sexy, hot and awesome, I love wearing great clothes and shoes that make me feel and look rockin’, I have hobbies that include baking, yoga and knitting, I have children, I also have a Masters degree in Economics, I head that same division at a large regional bank, I have authored papers and been a key note speaker at more international conferences that I can count. Translated I like “girl” things but that does not make me any less of a rocket scientist.
Mia, I was not an economist in my former life. But I do have stories that will curl your hair ten times over about the misogynistic industry where I excelled, until I just couldn’t put up with the degrading bullshit anymore. Maybe someday I will write about it, maybe not. I am having a ball currently working on a new and unrelated Chapter 2.
Thank you for the reads of my stuff yesterday. I am currently dabbling in a bunch of random topics until I settle on a more specific range.
I look forward to staying in touch.