I echo some other comments to you. This article is incredibly well written. Thank you for doing it. I plan to pass a link to your article to as many people as I can.
You know, as excellent as your writing is, this essay was very hard to read it. Because it is so horrible, this topic you so accurately describe. I really had to fight with myself to read to the end.
You are right…this view of the “way of life”( maybe it should be called “way of death”) has been around for a long, long time. But now…it’s out there and in your face. Rather than only being whispered about in the “right” circles.
You are also correct…we cannot tolerate this. There are alternatives.
An acquaintence recently who is, frankly, bored with being inside and not out flitting around at social functions, was lamenting that the shelter-in-place rules had to be relaxed. That things had to go back to “normal”. This person actually said “And what the hell if some people end up dying.”People die all the time”.
I have been so troubled ever since by that conversation. And this person is not the 1% or in politics. So depressingly, this view exists in many circles.
What ever happened to human decency?
One more thought. Capitalism can work when it is not permitted to snuff out human life. When it survives, but not at the expense of everything. When life doesn’t disappear in the ongoing race to become he(she) who dies with the largest money vault. When the only answer to the question “Gimme your money or your life?” Is: “Whadya think, stupid, take my life”
Well, in your accurate assessment, Mark, the answer is: “Not my life though, YOUR life”…