Linda. Girl, you made my night. And my week…ok, ok my whole gosh dang month! To read your note, to have you as a follower and a fan, gulp, I am tickled pink and over the moon.
This is not a BS suck up. I meant it when I wrote earlier that your topics and your writing sing to me. I am thrilled to join your clan.
Thank you for the encouragement. My first four posts were what I call “safe and simple”. My restaurant owner friend’s equivalent is “ cheap and cheerful”. Looked at another way: dipping the ol’ big toe in the ocean rather than smashing into the waves.
I am now glad that I did that because shortly after number four I sez “ Girl, slow down. Smell the roses. Get to know this fantastic new platform and all the cool folks and gifted writers hanging around. Read, research, comment, write-gab and rest a spell before posting more.”
So okey doakey, that’s where I’m at for a tad of time. Happy to be here for a few months at least. Then this girl will go.
Besides Linda, you have written so much good stuff ( errr, sorry) CONTENT …see I retained some of what I read of yours earlier, but no stickie note yet…that it will take me till Christmas to read it all.😀
On that note, goodnight my new writing friend. Oh wait.
About the frosting? On any dessert (cupcake, tart, cookie, whatever) I treat the frosting like a red smartie. I save the best for last. My recent icing screw up was a mega-bummer. If frosting is your sweet spot ( no I did not intend a pun but ok, not bad) then you and I will be joined at the hip.
Night, night again.