My dear friend. I have tears in my eyes. The great GREAT job you did on this. I don’t want to pick my top ten favs of your writing because it wouldn’t be fair. I love ‘em all. Yet this one…if I must, then it IS my favorite. To date.
Please continue with these pieces. We need them. I think your enthusiastic fan base agrees. Fans of Linda, please help me encourage this amazing writer on the political and world peace topics. Our next Jessica Valenti.
Oh and don’t stop the other topics either, Linda girl.
No matter the election winner as a result of events beginning today, I believe that the entire world is impacted. It doesn’t matter where one lives. Name any country. The last four years of Darth Vader Trump unleashed way too much of the dark side of the force.
Yet I am with you, Linda, about good, inherent good, prevailing eventually.
If he wins, the fight continues. If Biden wins, the repair job is mind boggling. But at least the Biden part of this equation means we start work on the fixer upper.
Today I read a NYT piece about fans of Melania lining her entrance to a Florida polling station. She was maskless of course, even though masks were required. One woman in the drooling crowd yelled out to her that He was anointed by God.
And I ask. Did some sort of revised version of Jim Jones kool-aid get piped into certain water supplies?