Hi L.G. My apologies for the delayed response. And thank you SO much for reading and commenting.
In August I focused only on writing: 4 fiction pieces for Vocal and 2 biggies for Medium. (On Medium: This one about my former career and another one right after the work piece about finding my mother dead in her bed when I was only 13.)
The fiction was fun, the 2 big ones for Medium…girl, I was drained!
So to make a long story short, I am, only now, starting to catch up. ARGH. It is great to take a break and then you look at all you want to catch up on and do and gulp…
Re my former work and yours. And stories. Um, yes and double yes. Between the 2 of us, I have no doubt we could fill a few volumes. Also a pack of other women could join us.
Hmmmm. I’d love to chat with you about doing a project together. An eBook of curated stories written by women about the freaking mess in the workplace and what it does to souls and wallets and…to the friggin’ economy in general. Tempting? Whadayathink?
It might be easier to chat by email.vtanme@gmail.com
We could also chat about the industry I experienced. As you read in my essay, I made a decision about not identifying it.
Absolutely wonderful to hear from you. Whether we do something together or not! I hope all is well in your world. I am planning to start reading Trinity Stones soon. Unless you suggest another one for a beginning.
I have Raine’s Roost Recipes on my kindle. Too funny, how much we seem to have in common. The other me is: https://lobstersandwichtwo.blogspot.com/