Kathy girl. You crack me up. You are terrific and so much fun. ( I emphasize the fuuuuuuun word)
Here I am working away on a TO DO list taller than the Empire State. Accidently I see your pie challenge. I click. Then…I see the procrastination one as well.
Golly Gee Ms. Jacobs. I know I should be doing a whole bunch of other stuff. But I wanna go out and play with you.
So I asked my Ma* and said: May I go play with Kathy? She said: Sure ‘nuff honey chile. Just don’t be late for dinner!
How about this cookie dough pie I was planning to make tonight. I will write about it AND make it glutten free :-) Yah??
And…I have what I think might be a brill idea for the procrastination challenge.
Sound good? Back to ya soon .
Loves your mind, KJ.
- just out of interest, there is no Ma