Jeanie. This article also is terrific. You are more than generous to share all this. Thanks again.
Your points about charging appropriately for the value of your work are excellent. I participated in a business coaching course several years ago. It consisted of four full day sessions a year of in-classroom work. The audience/ participants were a mixed bowl of entrepreneurs. Sessions were 4 times per year and I attended ( in person) for 6 years. It was extremely useful for the business I was operating at the time.( that biz was not really writing related…currently I am all about my brand new chapter two!)
Anyways…this program taught me a lot about what to charge for my expertise and how not to over or under price. I forgot about this until I read today your two engaging articles on freelancing.
I am excited for my Chapter two to begin. At the moment I am in learning curve mode. Launch date should be sometime mid 2020. Wish me luck.
All the best wishes to you for good stuff in 2020 !