I think mediocrity has indeed become the new normal and also the desired pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
Pot of brown stinking stuff, I say, not gold.
First Sherry, I want to say Wow, because the job you have done on this piece. It is beautifully written.
Your ability, my dear friend, to allow your heart and your soul to speak such a moving language…Right there that is at the top of the list of your gifts.
I read this essay and actually felt like you were kneading my heart like bread dough. And not with aggressive actions, oh no. Your words felt like tender movements, because like a baker proud of her craft, you care. The conditions around you drive you bonkers, but you still care.
It’s not as though humanity was fine before Donald Trump and Covid, but today, in more ways than we can count, we are broken. So what you say in this timely piece mirrors so much in so many lives.
I am so sorry you feel like this today and wish I could find the magic dust cure for you, for us all. Then again maybe it is already here in front of us. Friends helping/ listening to/ supporting one another. Any way we can. Determined as a group to get through this shit all around and help solve the issues along the way.
I’m not saying any of this is easy. But we do have something priceless in our connections. And like that song “Lean on Me”, let’s do just that and get to where we want to be.
Love you girlie
P.S. I also say, unless one has medical issues, age is a state of mind, no matter what nay sayers argue. So let’s get to the good place in our heads where none of us give a fuck about the actual number and just groove life as best we can.👯♀️⭐️🎉