I plan to start working on my first submission this weekend. One that I am considering is my take on a post in a popular newsletter. The way it plays on my mind in this crazy ol’ mixed up world.
Re your specification about links( I agree btw) …so since I will refer( in my essay) to the article in that newsletter. Is this acceptable ifI link it, but not in Medium’s “pretty” format ? Maybe it counts as that one link is ok you noted in these guidelines? ( sorry my link terminology not great)
Made up sentence below just to clarify:
“My sister texted me “ Heads up, there’s a new family rathole” just as I finished the last paragraph in a haunting article written in XYZ magazine by the talented Jenny Smith .”
So Linda, if a link to Jenny’s piece shows up as an underline ( under Jenny Smith), am I right? That is ok, but just once in my personal essay? That link showing up only as an underline is called a ??