I am so glad that you wrote this and in your profile, declare yourself a feminist. That is what we need, more male feminists. They are out there. Many are often not all that verbal but they are there. Fortunately for me, I know a male feminist very well. And also I know a handful of others, I just don’t know enough of them. We need men(and women) who are feminists in mind and deed rather than those playing dress-up with the label.
My wish for you and for humanity is for men like you to create a successful daily newsletter read by many of any gender that will make these sorts of conversations more mainstream. I do believe that with the open discussions and with progress we can get there, on all equality scales. Hell, it’s 2023 and we should be much further along. Frankly, we have to get there whether it’s sexism, ageism, misogyny, racism, support for LGBTIQA+ etc.
Money and wealth in terms of men and their egos did not come up all that much in your excellent essay. But no question, keeping women subjugated and person-less helps keep the money concentrated in male hands. The stack of bills represents another erect phallus. ( not that I have an issue with any individual human being creating wealth, my point is how it is often money is ALL that matters, accumulating more, more, more wealth at any cost)