Hi Vanessa. Your writing is terrific. You can probably see that I highlighted almost the whole article. Plus book marked it. Not only did I like and get your comparisons; I now have much much more to think about.
Like for one thing: maybe I should be brave enough to put out there, this short story I wrote awhile ago about Leonard’s song Hallelujah. I dunno. It’s a little out there and um …adult content. Not hard core I don’t mean. But not Harlequin romance either. Medium is probably not the venue. Maybe a blog. I shall see. TBA and all that.
Regardless of my decision on that one, I have purposely started my posts on Medium on the lighter side with plans to wade more deeply as I get used to the water temperature. Maybe that’s a good plan or…maybe this is just my excuse for being a chicken…
Hmmm. I shall ponder that one further as well.
Thanks for all the inspiration, Vanessa. Not just on Leonard but on many things.
Night night.