Hi Sherry. I was browsing Medium and found this excellent article written by you. Plus I bookmarked a whole bunch more of yours to read as time permits.
How is it that sometimes we randomly come across stuff that fits right into something we are currently suffering. I am not yet certain ( as compared with you and your sister) that I am in the same place with my 18 month younger sister. I might be though, and just in denial.
There are also many unanswered texts from her. Then late last night I received a reply to my “ hope you have a good Labor Day long weekend” text to her.
You know what? I have not yet opened her response. I am so afraid that it will either be terse and cold, reprimanding, guilt inducing or worse. I do not want any of that to invade the enjoyment of my weekend. As strong a person as I am, I think I might obsess over what she wrote.
Sound a bit familiar?
Thing is, with the schitzo relationship she often exhibits toward me, it might be an ok text. Some have been even after months of silence.
I was going to ask my Honeyman to screen her text reply for me. Yet if he says, “ No ,you don’t want to read that” . Or if he’s like: no comment. Well then I will know, won’t I.
So bottom line, at the moment and maybe for the whole weekend, I will pretend that I am one of those barnyard animals that are often deep fried by Colonel somebody.
Stay tuned. Nice to meet you Sherry Chapman