Hi Caitlin
Thank you for this really good article. So thorough. Very well written. You make your case perfectly and I devoured every word. Totally agree with you.
I wrote this below to someone else as part of a discussion on a different matter. Thought I would share it with you:
Or try this next one on for size. Here is a case of reverse bias because in this example, I am the one allowing years of societal programming and gas lighting to taint my perceptions.
I was (am) hooked on the tv series BILLIONS. I marvel at how I watch myself give the Axe character much more leeway in his a**holeness than I give to Wendy. For some reason I have been programmed to find those qualities of arrogance much less tolerable in a strong female character as compared to a male. Wow huh. None of us are immune.( But please note, I do see my folly and continue to work on it)