Hey Thief-of-'em-all
You got it man, that's where I have been. Trying to perfect the eggs recipe when what I really need to do is say Fark it.
The current, try-yet-another-recipe method results in spotty reading/writing/responding/engagement behavior. And as yas know, I do not like that.
All I can say is "working on it". However...one example of sporadic accomplishments: eight...yes eight fiction stories submitted to Vocal challenge ending Dec 29/21. Not too shabby, huh.
My vow to self: keep submitting until, you know, I win something, or whatever. Like the Red Cross essay contest where I won honourable mention at age 10. (yeah...big gap from then till now...)
Thanks so much for your comments on this piece. I was smiling ear to ear as I read them. Twice actually. 👍⭐️🍳