Hey Shannon. Best wishes for 2020 to you and your husband.
Hmmm. Your article really has me pondering my own headline behaviour. Currently I speak only as a Medium reader since (excluding 4 teensy poems of mine early on) I am still just that (a reader) expecting that my writing will begin sometime in 2020. I think I write decent headlines in my drafts…but we shall see.
Back to me as a reader: I am picturing myself for a minute as a fish swimming (safely!) in your pond. The bait on all those hooks floating above me are headlines from all my news sources. I swim by, read all of ‘em and latch on to those I think are worthy of a full article read. I estimate that is 70 to 80% of them. ( yup, I read a lot)
Do I think I know the news based on the 20–30% I did not read? Yeah, probably.
Am I often disappointed with the discrepancy between a headline and a full article? Yes to that too.
Did I just now read this entire article of yours and not only the headline? Girl, immediately I read the whole thing and know this: your headline beat my expectations. Bravo👍