Hey Gillian Sisley Wow girl. Where did the time go? Its been a whirlwind of stress, worry and fear these last weeks for us all. For me, this is week 5 and more to come of basically staying home.
I feel, like most of us do, that I should change my name to yo-yo as a way to express my fluctuating moods.
All to say. I have missed reading you and our back and forth comments. As you know, I am now writing as well continuing my 12 months of only reading so…yeah.
Even got my first curation in poetry for my poem: Loving My Friend. ( I was over the moon on that!)
This article. Very well written. The part I highlighted above. Exactly. And that feeling of “Oooooh, big famous rich guy validated me” is huge….HUGE.
It takes a lot of strength to get past that. Most cannot. You did. Bravo, my friend.
There are, as we know, so many reasons and triggers for the abuse and mistreatment of women. Your story leads up to only one example. One explanation for why there are so many women reporting the abusive behavior of these types of guys.
“Why now, are all these guys being accused by these women” is the repetitive, whining cry.
Because: 1.There are a lot of these guys and 2. many of them( please, I do not include all guys) …misguidedly equate their fame and money with a higher-power given right to treat women like objects. To do with as they wish. Kind of like the privilege of doing anything they want to the new hot car they just bought…
’Cause that pretty, shiny automobile belongs to them.
Ummmm fellas. No worries, your cars cannot talk. But the women…yes!…they are finally feeling strong enough to free their voices. Loud and clear.