Hello Rose Mary Griffith
Now this…this is such a good article. Then again your entire catalogue of Medium posts caused me to write your name on my memo pad just this moment so I can be certain to read more later.
Very nice to eMeet you and I hope you might consider me as one of your Medium peeps. Thanks, BTW, for your claps on a recent comment I made about pies.
In the next few months I am about to start posting my own work and I think we will end up having much in common. Already I, like you, am blown away by the many connections I have made on Medium. Really fine people and writers.
I am having a love fest with this Medium site.😀
When I first joined Medium and the MPP( about a year ago), I posted 4 little thingies. Honestly, I felt like a chicken doing that. I was going for “safe”.
The folly of my ways became obvious so I declared for a year that I would only: clap, read, comment, highlight and get to know the crowd. I have had a wonderful time.
Your Tips article is now bookmarked and it will help me as I move forward. Again thanks so much for writing it.
I will be thrilled to immediately follow you back if you would like to stay in touch.
Have a super weekend coming up.