Hello Andrew:
Really well written article. In particular the excerpt highlighted above.
I am extremely distressed when I hear those “flu” comments and “big deal, people die” comments from too many different sources. Usually ( in the case of my reference in this paragraph)made by someone extremely self-centered and fundamentally greedy. In most of these cases, intellectually they know better. However their personal bank accounts and/or social flitting-about-in-order-to-be-admired activities are temporarily being suppressed.
Did you see this article recently by Nicholas Kristof in the NY Times? I wish it was required reading(along with yours) for every world citizen.
Also, I wanted to thank you for your recent acknowledgement to my response to Molly Oswaks excellent article. If you like, we can initiate following one another so we both can read more of each other’s posts. I would enjoy chatting further about your reference to women taking on necessary jobs in WW2.