Ha. Good one, Thief. If you read Umair’s latest about alarmists/skeptics/pundits (So What’s It Like Living at the End of the World) you would slap yourself on the wrist for mentioning the 1%.🙄
You know I do agree with what he writes in that piece and it is my continuing motivation(among others) to keep doing my best to try and make a difference. On the level that I can, that in one way or another, anyone can.
Yet I also believe in a responsibility to NOT let agreeing with him immobilize me(although sometimes I am better at that than others)
I want to be certain, while doing my bit to help to also take time to enjoy this gift called life and write about that too.
Does that sound um…I dunno…messed up? I don’t believe it is.
P.S. Hmmmm. I tried to edit some rammer in the above and the over-reliance on “that” but, for some reason not letting me do so. Happens on my iPad sometimes. Drat,
See..rammer=grammar, but no fixie allowed😎🙄😍