Good morning Vanessa and Hello again. I had been meaning to read your article for several days now and I am really glad that I did this morning. It is now saved in a bunch of ways so I won’t lose it. ( ha ha “misplace it” I should have said but “lose it” took me briefly in another direction to laugh at the concept of “writing/ pressure/ losing it”)
I made up my mind shortly after joining MEDIUM this year, to first fully focus ( nice alliteration?😀) on getting familiar with this new writing world of mine . Learning the ins and outs of this site (among others) while reading, reading, reading and commenting. Viewing commenting as a great way to meet new folks and learn tons more. Plus helping me bigga time add to my notes, ideas and drafts. Wow, has that list grown since January.
The alarm bells started ringing for me at the beginning, just after I published four little things on Medium. I watched how obsessed I became with…checking on them. Stats and all. I could see quickly how creativity could become secondary (fourthly?) while I wrote more-more-more.
So I stopped and am now taking my time to figure out where I want to head. Your article makes me double certain that I made the correct initial decision. More importantly it will guide me once I do begin writing my own stories, poems and articles.
So yes. Thank you again. Hope you are having a fantastic long weekend.
P.S. I still have this big grin plastered across my face…just something about what you wrote in this piece and how it impacted me. Please, if you have any feedback or suggestions re my “plan”, I would love to hear them.