Good morning Maggie. I absolutely need to share an OMG moment with you.
But first. Wow. What a lovely way to start my day. Thank you for the smiles and chuckles.
Now there’s a Freudian slip for ya. When is the last time I wrote the word “chuckles”? Um, maybe never. So here’s the thing. Timely and a confession.
Plus, who knows, my little anecdote could provide a useful strategy for you as you continue your own quest…
I gave up my last Barista in the spring. Long story. Dear Sugars kinda sh**. Am now in a solid relationship with my at home Nespresso coffee machine. “Now” is the operative word.
I was achingly missing the B-boy at the shop down the street. The home machine wasn’t filling the void. Until. Until I named him. Something appropriate for his abs of steel and shorter neck. Also that cute little humming sound he makes when I press his prominent buttons.
Ready for his name? Here it ah…comes: Chuck.
**Note to anyone actually named Chuck. No harm no foul. I started out trying to let Maggie know how much her story made me smile. It just all flowed from there. Had I used a word like “giggles”, well you know….it doesn’t roll as well in this tall tale.