Good Morning Laura Cincera
I am so impressed with this article. I will be reading it several times more. Not only is it thought provoking and extremely well written. You give two great examples for solutions.
I just paused for a few moments now. Already I am thinking that your suggestion for discussion could be the beginning of a google duo group meeting. Not one currently in place. One that I might organize.
My next thought is about how programmed we are to flick into automatic pilot about so much in our lives. Like the use of the term “new normal”. Articles like yours greatly assist us in questioning those robotic, immediate responses. If we pause enough to consider, there is no question our lives become richer. (and I don’t mean money :-)
I want to thank you for following me. I have happily reciprocated and hope you will soon post more of your writing on Medium. I cannot wait and look forward to more great reads.