Good morning Hannah. You awesome writer and woman.
You have written something that, yes…every woman should read. At every age. Every aspect is addressed. . And so well. The value of love and a relationship AND the value of YOU.
Hannah, your view of this is so clear. So fair. Insightful. Brilliant actually.
I highlighted this: “so selfish with my time” The word that hit me was “ selfish”, not in the context of your use of the word, but the way the world throws that word at women. It’s almost as if anything a woman chooses other than serving her man( partner), home and kids is “ selfish”.
I hear that term being used by all genders in reference to women. A way to limit women. Guilt them out. My question is “How do women get to a place in their heads( similar to where you are right now, Hannah) if they are continually forced toward a stereotypical life by the use of words like “ selfish”.
I know…let’s remove that word for our dictionaries.