Good morning Gladysdaeweeks
I hope you are doing well. It is tough though. Our world has changed so much in the last month or so.
Last week I took most of it away from writing. I knew I needed to regroup. Have you done similarly? We all are on our own unique journeys.
I want to thank you for staying in touch, reading my posts and responding. I really enjoy your writing Gladys. I look forward to getting caught up with my reading. Especially of your work.
I read the article below in the NY Times late last night. Gladys, I am surprised that I was able to get any sleep.The article was that moving on so many levels. I woke up this morning determined to send it out to a bunch of writers. I am hoping that the more we share it and or write about it, the more we will help our world. Here it is:
Life and Death in the ‘Hot Zone’