Good morning Gillian. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. This article is so accurate. Brave. Appropriate. Needed. Inspiring. I could go on and on.
Yet there is sadness too, right? Sadness in the fact that you ( we) live in a world that still does this horrible stuff to women. 51% of the population. Tragic.
So be it. It’s wrong but it’s there and we are not putting up with it anymore.
Gillian, your writing, your topics, your style. I am not only enjoying everything, you are just SO thought provoking. It stays with me after I read you and it nags and niggles at me to think through many of your points.
And I consider myself one of the woke ones. A proud feminist and humanist who fights the battles, wears the scars as badges of honour and proof that one never stops learning and growing.
Yet with all I have accomplished in my life so far, I, like many people out there, just want to do more. Helping to erase the ridiculous silence and invisibility requirement for women is top of my list.
Finding someone like you, Gillian, and so many incredible others on Medium, well…just wow. Because I know that the world…women… myself…we are the fortunate beneficiaries of your tireless work.
It is a pleasure to meet you all and join you.