Gaslighting at its finest. Keep telling competent, intelligent, accomplished, caring, curious, analytical, visionary, vocal, capable, brave, inclusive, smart, focussed women that they are crazy. Say it often enough to as many men AND women as you possibly can. And guess what. Society, all genders, start believing it. Truth has nothing to do with it. Of course if a woman tries as hard as she possibly can to shrink and become invisible… no siree Betty, that woman doesn’t get the “ crazy” label…she’s the “good girl”.
Well…um…let me qualify that…unless she is over 40 ( 35?) (28?)…jeepers, I’m not certain of the cut off age for “old” for females. I have heard men in their 70’s calling women over 30 “old”. But alas, I also hear some women make similar decrees. My point? The crazy label often( too often) is an automatic title for older women. Because of course, older women do not TRY to make themselves invisible, they just ARE invisible. Right? Whatever “older” is.
Summary: Enough already in 2019. Stop this foolish, destructive, soul crushing way of thinking about women. Stomp out the gaslighting.