First thing. No way you are/were a high school teacher. I think: Stand up comic. Famous. Using a pseudonym on Medium. Whoops did I tell a story out of school…😈 surely you are a SNL regular.
I freakin’ love your writing, C.
Now you have to forgive me because I am, this once, offering support and understanding to the far right, including the current Republican Party. Hell, I guess to Ron DeSourpuss as well since he gets credit for most of the current book burning.
Look CLG, these God fearing people feel obliged to keep people stupid. Especially women and girls. ( I heard a whisper campaign recently advocating educating prescreened males, but there is a lot of pushback so I’m betting the final verdict is keep ‘em all dumber than a bag of hammers)
It’s obvious why they are committed to this among their many noble projects.(“noble” because this crowd crowned them selves “nobility”) The answer: you already wrote it CLG. The Old Testament. Adam and Eve. God said “ No knowledge”.
“Simple as that”, said one red Fox, “ we do God’s work, first some books, then all books, then the whole gash-darn edumacation system. We kill two birds with one stone. Knowledge and Wokeness. Besides we will save money eliminating all schools and colleges and then we can reflect that back to our flock with more tax cuts.”
Smarmy Ronnie likes.