Dear Linda Caroll
This is quickly becoming the highlight of my Medium experience. You are so kind to write to me as you do.
My fav in kindergarten was the red bunny stamp. The kind you dipped on an ink pad (the metal kind with a snap lid) and then pounded the imprint on a page. I think the teacher, Mrs Zinck, used to work for passport control.
Anyhoo, the bunny stamp was reserved for the best of the best work. As in: You be the Bestest when da scribbler sported the red carrot muncher.
Here’s my latest and greatest idea. I suggest to Evan Williams that he “bring on the Medium bunny”. Stamp that is. If this becomes policy, surely I get to chose the first bunny stamp awardee.
Even though we just met Linda, something is clicking. Ugely :)
I see it in your posts and also our repartee. I will bet the farm that knowing you for ten years won’t change my mind one iota re: my next statement.
You, writer-wonder-gal-pal, get the first Medium bunny stamp.
Truth be told. Your excellent writing aside, it is…yep, you guessed it…the FROSTING that clinched the deal.
I want a cupcake sandwich now. I know brilliant when I see it, woman. That also smacks of a business venture. Wanna talk?
I might have to pause writing for a tic and whip up a batch of cream cheese vanilla icing. The inventor of that heavenly combo, do you know who that might be? Because she ( gotta be a she) gets the second bunny stamp. Cream cheese and confectioners sugar. Gawd what a brain to dream up that one.
Which brings me to question number two. Why on earth is the cake in the cupcake bigger than the frosting part? Why didn’t Carrie Bradshaw question that one before she had all us wannabes rushing off to Magnolia Bakery to grab a pretty pink frosted one? On that note, you’d think Samantha would have waxed on about creative uses for frosting. Or maybe she did and I missed it during a shoe envy blackout.
Enough already.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Thank you for asking. I will happily submit an article to your publication. Just not yet. I need to keep dunking my toe for awhile and. I am using up a bunch of time to crystallize and launch my second chapter. No, not of my book. Not yet. My LIFE second chapter. Zowie, I am psyched.
WOMEN’s issues? Sistah, you can bet your keister on my interest there. This topic, near and dear to my heart, will play a leading role in my second life. I have already seen and lived so much in that unnecessarily and sadly messed up area, that I am committed to doing all I can to help with the FIX. And woman oh woman, we shall repair this.
Linda, if I don’t sign off now, we can turn this one comment to a comment to a comment to a…well… it will be a frickin’ book.
So thank ya, thank ya ver much ( do you hear my Elvis?) for your amazing encouragement. You are doing wonders to inspire me and get me through this “omg can I actually write shit” stage.
Seriously. I really appreciate this, Linda.
Lovely Monday to you.
P.S. Your article. “Comments on Feminist Posts are Why We Need To Keep Writing Them” mentions two websites. One is Wildhare? ( love the origin of the name…omg, you just gave me ANOTHER idea). Is the other website Medusa Wept? If yes, do not see a way to contact you there.