Dear I owe you one Linda:
My eye lids weigh six hundred pounds, I think. Yet I will not give into the sand woman until I tell you this: I really like the croc story. And your Dad sounds like he was one cool dude. I love how inspired you were to write the shoes of the week story. I am still smiling thinking about it. More please. Any and all.
Your footwear theme has me wondering whether Amazon sells those girl panties, 7 per pack, ice cream colours, each with a different day of the week machine embroidered on them.
Stuff-o-the-Week, now there’s a concept. But you have to be down for using the “stuff” word.
Wish I wasn’t so tuckered from a to-do list day from hell…um, yeah, croc Monday. As in: what a croc. Tomorrow brings an early morning chock full of meetings and 3 days of conference after that. Stupid schedule. Glad every week not like that.
So off I go to dreamland. Even though I want to write to you about: letters and rubber gloves and cream cheese and Dads and cookbooks I know written by the Mrs John Smiths of the world (since the only other names that were allowed when they married were “ Mother” ( Hello Mike) and “the wife”.
Let’s promise to be in touch soon. I am really enjoying this. We are definitely heading in an interesting direction. I will write again as soon as this crazy ass week permits.
Groove your Tuesday to Friday