Darlin’ girl. That is excellent advice and thank ya, thank ya kindly for it.
However…how on earth can Amy Marley and Paroma Sen and me make lavender lemonade if we don’t have the recipe? Here is a dealio for you. You give us the procedure to make that sumptuous treat and we promise to keep at it with the sprinkles of potty mouth! Not much to ask on our parts since we get so fired up about stuff that the word salad sometimes just happens.
Re your check out the advice columns confession? Yeah…that would be a guilty pleasure of a whole wack of us. And why not, some pretty good stuff there.
So glad you stopped by Rebecca. You do know that we three are huge, huge I say, fans of yours. Girlfriends, Ms Romanelli and all our commenters so far, all members of our pretend-but-should-be-real Rockin girls Club!